“If you suffer because of your setbacks, it's understandable but if you suffer because of your privileges, then it is totally unacceptable. ”
- Sadhguru
Human mind is one of the most complex and sophisticated things that nature made on our planet Earth. It functions extraordinarily well that helped us, the humans, to explore the nature in ways our physical body prevents us to.
Nature has gifted birds with wings and fishes with gills to explore their homes, the sky and the water respectively but with the virtue of the human intelligence, which is a boon of human mind, the humans have broken the barriers of the various parts of ecospheres turning the Earth into one connected ball of life. Now . . . The humans can both stay underwater and fly in the sky. The airplanes, the air gliders, parachutes, diving suits, underground channels, buildings, resorts and what not have been made by humans and correct me if I am wrong when I say that we humans are no longer just humans that roamed the wild thousands of years ago, we are now living the moment of our life. We can be birds if we want and fly or we can be a fish and build a home underwater.
“Imagination is the limit.”

But . . . Some people are suffering because of this gift too. It is true that everything has its pros and cons but focusing on the cons of the most amazing gift we have ever got is surprising but more surprisingly common.
People nowadays are indulged in practices like overthinking when they can't find a moment to meditate. They are aware that they will have to make a certain effort to connect to their inner peace and hence find excuses to fertilize the negativity in their minds but they don't realize when they are just sitting or wishing when their mind falls down into the loop of self doubt, pessimism, misery and all the negativity of the reality.
“You can't get rid of fear kid. It's like Mother Nature, can't beat or outrun her. ”
- The Good Dinosaur (A Disney Movie)
Fear will always be there. We can't get rid of it but all these negative thoughts... We can. There are so many people who are depressed about their lives, trapped in their own minds that the tool we got to make our lives better is the one making our life tough.
And the worst thing is we are just helpless.
We feel alone, we feel lonely. It seems like the whole world is plotting against us. Nothing feels good.
Fear is not a bad thing. It's what our experience has taught us. If we aren't afraid of snakes and ignore them, they might just bite us but what we can do is instead of crying on seeing a snake, we can be calm and find a solution. Sometimes we just have to change our path and let the snake pass by.
It's all in our mind.
And that mind has to be nurtured like a plant we cherish. We have to water it regularly with positive thoughts and be patient enough to see the flowers bloom.
Mental health is necessary and its high time we talked about it.
"And remember . . . you are not alone in this."